About Us

The club aims to provide a platform for students to enhance their academic knowledge, cultivate professional skills, and engage in activities that promote innovation and collaboration in the field of Medical Electronics engineering.

  • With the motto of "Empowering Innovation, Transforming Healthcare"
  • Aim to inspire our members to become visionary leaders and pioneers in the field of Medical Electronics engineering.
  • Development of cutting-edge healthcare solutions that positively impact society.


Dr. Joshi Manisha S

HOD, Dept of Medical Electronics

Dr K Vijaylakshmi

Faculty Coordinator

Prathiksha Harish

President (3rd year)

Sahana S

Vice President (3rd year)

Lekha M

Secretary (3rd year)

Aditi Raghu

Joint Secretary (2nd year)

Farhan Ahmed

Treasurer (3rd year)

Shrutha Keerthi

Jr. Treasurer (2nd year)

Keerthana B R

Tech Head (3rd year)

Poorvi Prabhu

Jr. Tech Head (2nd year)

Mohammed Ibaad

Volunteering Head (3rd year)

Jiya Tomar

Jr. Volunteering Head (2nd year)

Ananya Namratha

Design Head (3rd year)

Lakshmi H Siddaveer

Jr. Design Head (2nd year)

Krithik Raj

Logistics Head (3rd year)

Yukthi M

Jr. Logistics Head (2nd year)